Join Agog wondering planet Earth
exploring the magic of plants,
the gift of food and the power of humans
to design the future...

What if we all set up
to design a food system
that values life?

Agog's Journey

There is so much magic in food and how it touches every single aspect of our lives. As we are in the middle of an environmental and social crisis, many of the solutions and possibilities lie within food. Food is what we all have in common. It’s what connects us to each other and Earth, keeping us alive and making us all co-creators of the life system.

Agog's Journey is an invitation to you, to me, to us. We need to work with nature to survive, it is the only way that Earth will continue to take care of us. Embracing the magic of food will enhance our curiosity and need to understand even more. This way we can work towards better decisions and actions in our own workfields and homes. Agog's Journey is a serie of 5 illustrated booklets for everyone on planet Earth.

There is so much magic in food and how it touches every single aspect of our lives. As we are in
                the middle of an environmental and social crisis


The elements of Earth come together, giving life to life
The elements of Earth come together, giving life to life


A flower blossoming
The cycle of life, from seed to seed.
The cycle of life, from seed to seed


Everything connects
Subsystems interact, meeting their needs and shaping the larger system
Subsystems interact, meeting their needs and shaping the larger system


Human Superpowers
Humans, like plants, belong to Earth. Whole, living, always creating.
Humans, like plants, belong to Earth. Whole, living, always creating.


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A tree is planted together with with every purchase.


Trees planted